Joy and nothing else
Exhibition from October 7 to November 18, 2023 - Tuesday to Saturday, 2pm - 7pm
Opening in the presence of the artists: Saturday, October 7, 2023, 2pm - 9pm
This exhibition has a laudable intention in these difficult times: to showcase joy in the way that today's artists are able to portray it, to give it a face. Joy as happiness, of course, but not only. There's the joy of beauty, the joy that keeps our bodies healthy, the joy of mudita, the benevolent joy that makes us feel good about the happiness of others, and the evil joy, Schadenfreude, that makes us laugh under our breath at the misfortune of our fellow human beings. How does the artist represent joy? Effervescent expression, the most logical of all, is not always part of the picture. Joy, a state of being torn from the seriousness and tragedy of the human condition, is a complex emotion. More fleeting than enduring, always precarious (in the end, death), it is a discreet and helpful companion. The joyful feeling comes in its own time and intimately under the guise of a fragile, eclipsing benefit, difficult to retain, to lock away, to freeze. Most of the artists featured in this exhibition have a cult of modest joy, salvific but quick to slip through the fingers, a vector of eudemonism never attested and solid. While others, fewer in number, arouse our good humor, taking the side of laughter and relaxation.
Paul Ardenne, curator of the exhibition
, 2005
, acrylique sur toile
, 73 x 92 cm
Dolphin autel
, 2023
, Peinture à l'huile, flash, mortier de structure, pâte polymère, cadres en bois assemblés, bambou, vis et boucles en laiton
, 116,4 x 65,7 x 6,6 cm
, 2023
, Aquarelle sur Arches
, 103x153cm
, 2023
, film
Tu brilles comme un soleil
, 2023
, technique mixte avec découpe, acrylique sur toile et aquarelle sur livre, dispositif sonore
, 78 x 78 x 6cm
Just Add Water # Lai Châu,
, 2011
, acrylique sur toile
, 100 x 200 cm
Mamma Leone
, 2023
, impression giclée sur papier Hanhemühle 305 gr
, 110 x 90 cm
Mamma Gallina
, 2023
, impression giclée sur papier Hanhemühle 305 gr
, 110 x 90 cm
, 2023
, papier coton, crayon de couleur
, 140 x 100 cm
Nature morte au nuage
, 2022
, huile et pastel sur toile
, 140 x 115 cm
Painting Face with a Bird
, 2022
, huile et pastel sur toile
, 140 x 115 cm
Collerette mi-plissée
, 2023
, pongé de soie de Veraseta mordoré avec plissé soleil partiel
, 5 x 15 cm
Numéro 02 (Collection « Ces toiles qui nous font du bien ») et kimono
, 2023
, acrylique sur toile
, 180 x 100 cm
Un pour tous
, 2006
, photographie
, 75 x 100 cm
Premier jour
, 2011
, huile sur toile
, 30 x 30 cm
, 2018
, film d'animation
Vanité (crâne aux papillons)
, bronze
, 35 x 25 x 20 cm
Mademoiselle Joy
, 2023
, sculpture de grès cuite et paraffine
, 86 x 44 x 48 cm
Ondé "Sable"
, 2023
, bois de tilleul
, 100 x 150 cm
Phylactère "Que ma joie ..."
, 2023
, bois de tilleul
, 60 x 178 x 12 cm
, 2017
, huile sur toile
, 116 x 81 cm
L'U, l'Ugalma
, 2023
, céramique murale émaillée
, 84 x 5,5 x 50 cm
, 2014-2023
, faïence
, 11/17 cm
Release Joy
, 2023
, acrylique et huile sur toile
, 100 x 81 cm
Sans titre
, 2001
, acrylique et huile sur toile
, 81 x 100 cm
Sans titre
, 2001
, acrylique et huile sur toile
, 81 x 100 cm
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